August 12th 2015


Artist Statement



My work revolves around three groups of questions. 

1. What does live performance mean? Why is it an intrinsic human activity?

2. Why dance? Why particular moves in a particular way? Why movement on stage, why do we watch? Why do we do? 

3. How do we experience time in relation to aesthetic stimuli? 


These questions address challenges I think are important. I think its important to challenge WHY we perform live, and how. How does the history of dance and theater performance affect where we are today? How does our social history affect how we perform live for each other? How does our social (read: media) present affect how we perform live for each other? What is the lost and gained when our world of technology advances and our world of art tries to keep up?

I question, every day, why I am someone who has decided to make new work. New work means, to me, a departure from what has come before - in some small ways, such as the steps I choose and music I want to use; and in some larger ways, such as the general aesthetic that I see as a change, and the places I choose to perform and install my work. New work also means to me, a creation born from someones imagination. A creation of a temporal work that has come into existence from nothing. 

I question every day, why I am producing work to share with the larger world. As I sit in semi-isolation - half brought on by the complete exodus of the art world from face to face interaction to online self-advertising, and half brought on by my own fear of being forced to interact with people in real life after having only existed as a not even recognized presence online. My questions about this are are ones of meaning, mostly. What does it mean to sit in your brain, look out, and want to share. What are the motivations behind this sharing?